I’ve noted that Hinduism seems to prescribe unwavering obedience to one's parents. In the Mahabharata , soon after Arjuna wins Draupadi in an archery contest, Kunti unwittingly tells him to share the prize with his brothers. Upon realizing that the prize is Draupadi, she immediately recants her statement. Nevertheless, Draupadi becomes the wife of all five Pandavas. In the Ramayana , Emperor Dasharatha orders Lord Rama to spend fourteen years in the forest. Rama obeys this order even after Dasharatha dies and Bharata urges him to abandon this course of action. In the Puranas , Sage Jamadagni orders his son, Lord Parashurama, to behead his mother, Renuka. Despite his initial hesitation, Parashurama carries out the macabre deed.